Mitch Reiner

BY Jen Montealegre

November 22, 2022


“I have been lucky to be helping lead our business for the last 18 years. At every juncture, the complexity and questions have grown exponentially. Each time, I seek guidance and direction to progress forward. I came across Kanbrick at just the right time. The brilliant and inspiring Kanbrick team took myself and 4 peers through a journey of enlightening education about what the world of running a business at the next level looks like. They were both generous and authentic with their sharing of exact formulas, proven practices and step-by-step guidance on how to elevate our organizations. The vision they painted has given me tools and more importantly, the confidence to tackle the move from an organization that is flirting with sophistication to one that will achieve it.”
Mitch Reiner
Managing Partner, Capital Investment Advisors